Welcome to ForwardSlash.

No other event in the world offers a better opportunity to hear about current issues and trends in the lorum ipsum lorem than ForwardSlash.

Lorum ipsum throughout our conferences, attendees participate in events, hear inspiring speakers, and learn from thought leaders and colleagues at enlightening discussion panels and in-depth sessions over the span of two to three days lorum ipsum.

Each conference agenda is thoughtfully designed lorum ipsum this text is borrowed so please rewrite to be your own to maximize your team’s time and investment by showcasing hand-selected emerging technologies from around the world, along with candid onstage interviews, and panel discussions from key influencers spanning the lorum ipsum industry.

You will also have an opportunity to meet hundreds of the world’s best and brightest exhibitors, investors and executives in the lorum ipsum space.

Share with your audience that you’ll be attending.

Event Information

December 6, 2022
8:30am – 11:30am

Some Conference Centre

123 Any Street
Edmonton, AB Canada

Conference Web Page


Flickr Gallery

Another Gallery

Conference Graphics

Some Graphics

Some other Graphics

Information Request Forms

In order to maximize your visibility, the ForwardSlash team requires lorum ipsum from our partners. Please return the media form as soon as possible.

Presenting Companies:


Event Sponsors:


We encourage you to spread the word about Innovation Summit: Dublin 2022 to your extended community. Please contact us with any questions or requests at [email protected].

Your Media Contacts: 

Jane Doe
Director of Brand Strategy & Marketing
[email protected]

Can we add a Media section? Where visitors can download our logos, brand guide, follow photo gallery link?